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SYNSMASKINEN is a new artist-group and an inquiry into 7 fields of contemporary political crisis. The project will consist of 7 art projects, each exploring a certain aspect of contemporary crisis. Together these 7 visions will attempt to unfold a contemporary cosmology; a new political horizon. 


SYNSMASKINEN is an artist-group in the sense that each production is produced in collaboration between a small group of participants. Each of the 7 projects will be made by new groups of artists and thinkers. In this sense SYNSMASKINEN  will probe the concept of the research-group: What kind of insights does artistic thinking provide? How can collectivity adress the political issues of the 7 topics in a critical manner? The name is taken from the danish and the norwegian translations of Paul Virilio’s seminal book on the techniques of perception, La Machine De Vision . The name SYNSMASKINEN contains the methodological program: SYN=vision / MASKINE=machine


“SYNSMASKINEN: 7 fields of contemporary crisis” is a forthcoming Artistic Research project (KU Project) at Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHiB). It is a project in collaboration with partner art-institutions in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Ukraine. SYNSMASKINEN is organised by professor, timebased media/performance, Frans Jacobi. 



Performance by: Sigrid Fivelstad, Anahita Alebouyeh, Ingeborg Palsrud, Adrian Crawley, Erik Bromö, Markus Moestue & Frans Jacobi 


Presented at the seminar Oljespeil, Bergen, may 2015


(photos by Njål Clementsen, video by Frans Jacobi)







Diagram by Kerstin Juhlin

This animation created by Kerstin Juhlin is a diagrammatic script. 

It was shown as a video-projection inside the performance of TONIGHT:-). 


Presented at SYNSMASKINEN, Rom8, Bergen, may 2014


SYNSMASKINEN was inagurated in may 2014 by the performance TONIGHT :-)

TONIGHT :-) was a remake of a 1994-play by the norwegian performance-group BAKTRUPPEN.





Online commentary by Cornelia Sollfrank and Amber Ablett, with sounds by Joe Coghill. Cornelia and Joe following the event online from Cornelias studio in Dundee while Amber was sitting with her computer in the audience at Rom8. The running etherpad commentary was presented on a projection inside the performance of TONIGHT :-) (photos by Sollfrank and Coghill)


Presented at SYNSMASKINEN, Rom8, Bergen, may 2014


SYNSMASKINEN was inagurated in may 2014 by the performance TONIGHT :-)

TONIGHT :-) was a remake of a 1994-play by the norwegian performance-group BAKTRUPPEN.



Introducing GOLDMAN


Performance by SYNSMASKINEN: Frans Jacobi


Presented at 

SYNSMASKINEN, Rom8, Bergen may 2014

Hitparaden Performancefestival, Pumpehuset, Copenhagen september 2014


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Goldman is a figuration of the elusive powers of the global financial system. Goldman is whispering numbers, counting up and down the scales of financial investment. Goldman is part of storage of props available for various Synsmaskinen-projects. 

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